Rotate Object infinity MAYA Mel Script

Rotate Object infinity MAYA Mel Script, Car Wheels and others

Copy this Script and open MAYA Script Editor and paste in Mel script area then select a object or Car Wheel rigging control, After select Script >> Press Enter

// Start Script

string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
string $obj;
for ($obj in $sel)

    int $frame;
 $frame = `currentTime -q`;
 currentTime ($frame) ;
 setAttr ($obj + ".rotate") 0 0 0;
   int $frame;
 $frame = `currentTime -q`;
 currentTime ($frame+2) ;
 setAttr ($obj + ".rotate") 0 0 25;
selectKey -add -k -t 0 -t 2 ($obj + ".rotate") ;
keyTangent -itt spline -ott spline;
setInfinity -poi cycleRelative;
// End Script

Best Animation MEL Script

Best Animation MEL Script Video 
 MEL Scripting for Maya Animators, Maya MEL scripting expressions Youtube Video and MEL scripting language, especially written for the beginning of the animator or technical director.
Finally, MEL Scripting for Maya Animators presents a wide range of specific examples of how MEL and expressions can be used in controlling dynamics, rigging characters, and even building a simple system for crowd behavior.

Maya: Some Expressions

Wheels on a car:  apply to the wheel rotate in z channel
rz =  car.tx /   (2*3.1416)  *  1   *   360
wheel  car            pi        wheel size     1 rotation

Windshield wipers:  apply to the wiper rotate in x channel
rx =   (sin  (.9  *  time) *  45) +   10
wiper         sine  speed   time   degree  offset for position

Volumetric squashing for a ball: pg 26 Learning Maya
apply to the ball scale in x channel  sx = 1/sy
apply to the ball scale in x channel  sz = 1/sy

Start an Expression at a Certain Frame:
if (frame > 50)
      tx = 0;
else tx = 50;

If the value frame is greater than 50 translate x will = 0, otherwise translate x = 50.

Start and stop an Expression at a Certain Frame:
if (frame < 50)
      tx = 0;
else if ((frame >= 50) && (frame <= 100))
      tx = 50;
else if (frame > 100)
      tx = 2;

Imbedded Sin Waves for a Random Effect
ty = sin (sin (.5 * time) * time);

Use noise for a random effect
ty = noise(time);
Maya Some Expressions

The April Month's Character Animation Story Board

The April Month's Character Animation Story Board

The April Month's Character Animation Story Board

Ladder steps animation, Put up your best effort and all the best for the animation challenge exercise.

Animated Short Film

Looking for 3D Modeller and animator for 5 minute short film. and also film-making for commercials, and short movies.